Carlos de Ayala Martínez
Categoría: English
The streets of al-Andalus (second part)
Maribel Fierro & Luis Molina
The streets of al-Andalus (first part)
Maribel Fierro & Luis Molina
Vikings in al-Andalus and the Maghreb
Ann Christys
What was understood by ‘Spain’ in the Middle Ages? The Christian perspective
Carlos de Ayala Martínez
Was there a Christian precedent for the Great Mosque of Cordoba?
Fernando Arce Sainz
El Cid Campeador and the Muslims
David Porrinas
The Expulsion of the Moriscos
Mercedes García-Arenal & Gerard Wiegers
Can we still talk about «Reconquest»? Birth and development of an ideology
Carlos de Ayala Martínez